Sunday, February 27, 2011

Freedom and Privacy

I believe that we do have our privacy today.  The government may have ways of keeping track of us if they decide that they have a reason, but I don't think that they watch everyday people.  If you are being "watched", there is probably a reason.  It would cost way too much money to keep track of everyone in the United States "just because".   We have the freedom to do what we want to do as long as we don't harm anyone else, and I think that that is pretty fair.


  1. I agree with you. I don't think the government really cares about everyday people. I feel the same way, like we have so much freedom just as long as we don't get out of control and harm people.

  2. That's a real down to earth response, as long as we don't put other people in harms way than we can live our lives with little government interference.

  3. Exactly, everyday people should have nothing to hide. If there weren't so many crazy people out there(haha) that we had to worry about then we would probably have less limitations on freedom.

  4. Although I agree with you, I think you may bring up some controversial points as far as what defines "everyday people" as well as how reliable the government's decision making skills are. I'd love to hear more...

  5. I agree with you, I especailly agree with the part about if government is finding out your information its obviously for a reason. I think that we have a fairly private society.
