Thursday, January 20, 2011


As it says in the about me section of this blog, my name is Katie Rachelle Chilcote.

I love reading, equestrian sports, music, and movies.  My major is Criminal Justice, and I am thinking about a minor in Psychology.

I was interested in this class because it helps reading skills, and applies critical thinking to reading.  If I had to choose, I would say that my favorite time period for music was the 80's, even though I listen to way more than just that.

My past experiences with Literature haven't been so great, I come from a really small high school and until I came to Shippensburg I wasn't exposed to very many different kinds of thinking or beliefs.  I think Literature is a writing that is designed to make the reader think "out-of-the-box", and I also think that Literature should be interesting.


  1. what reading genre are you interested in?

  2. I'm interested in anything that keeps my interest, and has a good plot.

  3. I love 80's reminds me of middle school dances :)

  4. I think it is really cool that you horse back ride. I have always wanted to try it. Do a lot of other universities have equestrian teams or clubs?

  5. A lot of schools do, but smaller universities like Shippensburg just don't.

  6. I looked over your pictures and I've alway wanted to have my own horse. I also think its cool that you like music from the 80's because i tend to listen to songs from back in the day as well.

  7. I wish I could ride horses! I tried once when I was little and it didn't go so well hahah! but thats so cool you ride!
